Market Research & Data Analytics
Nowadays Data and its representation shape our lives. You can feel optimistic when you see your progress or feel uneasy when you see how market share is going to drop. Data is vital, but the way we represent and perceive it is more important. In this intensive training course, the trainer will navigate through interesting topics and activities to gain an essential understanding of market research and data analytics concepts and build skills in the techniques to analyze and mine the data to enable your management to take the right business decisions to minimise cost, maximise profit and increase market share.
Course Content
- Planning a market research study
- Qualitative research
- Quantitative research
- Using market research
- The market research industry
- Overview of the Data Analytics landscape
- The Data Analytics Lifecycle
- Data Analyst Tools
- Data Visualization
- Analyzing your Survey questionnaires
Course Objectives
- Understand approaches with regard to Big Data
- Develop skills on how to map organization strategy to big data
- Apply some techniques to identify the needed data
- Design big data promising solution
- Use market research methodologies and apply them to your organisation
- Apply the Data Analytics Life-Cyle and Data
- Analytics tools from a Business Intelligence perspective
- 12h Duration
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